Album 10141
from Group 10141

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Album: 10141
Group: 10141
Cover Orientation: Portrait
Fold Direction: leftright
Page Orientation: Portrait
Num Pages: 33
Num Cover Elements: 3
Group Active: True
Group Access: Public
Contributor: CuratorInChief
Curator: CuratorInChief
Archivist: CuratorInChief

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Notes about Group and Album Numbers

A group is assigned and identified by a 5-digit number (for example, group 10038) which then becomes the first part of the name of any photograph uploaded into the group. Each photograph uploaded into a group is assigned and identified by a 3 to 4-digit number (for example, photograph 104) which, when combined with the group number, creates a photograph's full name (for example, 10038-104).

Albums are assigned the same 5-digit number of its containing group. For example, if an album's group is group 10038, the album also will be named 10038. Photographs contained inside the album or related to it are then named in the same way that photographs belonging to a group are named. Because albums and groups are named using the same number, their designations are somewhat interchangeable which is why an album's photographs can also be listed within its group.