lady holding photo
Takedown Request
Use the following form to send us a takedown request for an offending item (photograph or other artifact, someone's inappropriate content, personal information, etc.) displayed in the Visual Ancestor Web App, and we will address it. You must include the nature and reason for the takedown request.

Examples of valid reasons include but are not limited to: the displayed item was created after our general cut-off time period of World War II (early 1940s), the item has a currently valid and enforceable copyright (please provide details thereof), someone submitted copies of photographs they did not rightfully have access to, there is personal information of a living individual being displayed, or there is an item that may be in violation of our terms of use.

If you are not a member, please supply your name and email (required) for us to reply back to you with a status or a resolution. You are not signing up for anything with the submission of this form. Thank you for using Visual Ancestor.



URL / Link:
Copy the URL / link of the specific item for this takedown request and paste here so we can address the issue faster.

Describe nature and reason for takedown request:
If you're human, click the colored boxes.

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