lady holding photo
Product Request
Use the following form to send us a product request for this particular photograph and a staff member will process it promptly. You will be contacted when we are ready to release the requested product and to arrange for payment (via PayPal, check, or money order), or if we need further information.

If this photograph is part of an album, we cannot damage the historacity and integrity of the album by removing a singular photograph from it, and the entire album may have to be purchased. Be advised this may change the final price the products are offered at.

You do not need to be a member of the Visual Ancestor Library to request a product. If you are not a member, please supply your name and email (required) for us to reply back to you with a status or a resolution. You are not signing up for anything with the submission of this form. Thank you for using Visual Ancestor.

left marker Photograph 10204-144 left marker




Request high-resolution JPG images of all available sides
Select this option to have made available to you the best scans of all sides of photograph 10204-144 that exist in the Visual Ancestor Library.

Request original photograph from Visual Ancestor Library
Select this option to purchase the original photograph from the Visual Ancestor library, if available. Price includes a $5.00 locate fee and a $9.00 shipping and handling fee.

Add photograph restoration and enhancement to your request
Select this option to have the obverse (a) image of this photograph restored and enhanced by us. This will create new JPG images that will be made available to you in addition to the rest of your order.

Optional Message:
If you're human, click the colored boxes.

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